LAB 2: Vulnerabilities

Materials Needed:




1)      In this exercise, you will test your computer for Internet Security.

·        Go to Gibson Research Corporation’s Web site at

·         Click on the ShieldsUp! link and click on the Test My Shields!

                                                               i.       Describe the vulnerabilities found on your computer.

·        Click on the Probe My Ports!

                                                               i.       Describe the ports that are open and what services are running on these ports.

·         How secure is your system? Explain


2)      Cerberus Internet Scanner (CIS) is a free security scanner written and maintained by Cerberus Information Security, Ltd., and is designed to help administrators locate and fix security holes in their computer systems. In this exercise, you will scan your own computer to determine the processes running and any obvious vulnerability.

·        Download and install the scanner from

·        Scan your own computer (

·        Review the results of the scan.

·        Briefly describe what you found.

·        Select two of the vulnerabilities found on your system, make the recommended modification, rerun the scan, and note that the vulnerability is no longer listed. Briefly discuss this.

·        How secure is your computer?